Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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i want some more,baby hit me with an encore~ (8)
Thursday, December 30, 2010 | 0 comments
today my mom told me that Selina(from S.H.E)'s face ...the doctor cut her hair and "cut" a piece of head to her face. BUT HER FACE IS STILL F**KING BLEEDING! OH MY GOD,IF IT'S ME,I'LL CRY 'CAUSE IT'S SO DAMN PAINFUL!


well,im not saying bad stuff about the doctors..
i just want Selina to get better,she's engaged for crying out loud
n NOW she's still in the hospital...
poor thing.. ;(

aaaanyways,morning guys! :)
last night my mom told me that there's a..err..mother i guess.. ;/ she lives in USA,i think she have breast cancer..and i think my mom said when she's about to do the surgery,they(the doctors) use the X-ray to see and THEY SAW A PICTURE OS JESUS CHRIST! O.O<- (BIG EYES!!! XDD) and then i think now she don't have breast cancer anymore? or..still have? my mom ask me to read the newspaper but it's in chinese and erm..heh..my chinese not that good~ i only know "Jesus","USA",and the woman's name is Karen Singler. wow cool name~ XO(Y) 'cause everyone tell her that "God is with you" but she don't believe n i GUESS Jesus wants to prove it to her how much he loves her? OR that's just a tattoo? :/i don't know lah,if it's true,then.. OHHOMG,JESUS IS SO COOL~!!! XO

something's wrong with me AHAHAHA! =))
btw,my friend Jia Fui,again. :)) asked me to listen to these songs. then i was like HOLYGUWAKAMOLY I LOVE IT!!!

Encore - Jason Derulo

OMG OMG OMG!!! w Jason Derulo said that this album will be out on 2ndMARCH!!! OMG IT'S ON MY BIRTHDAY!! AAAAAAHH!! baby hit me with an encore~X3♥♥♥ and this song for some part sounds like sex AHAHA! i think too much :)) i want some more~ RAWR~ ;)

Queen of Hearts - Jason Derulo

love this song!
but i love encore mwore!

To The Sky - Owl City

how can anyone dislike this song? doesn't it make you smile and fill you with happiness? guess there are all kinds of people in this weird world

once again,
thanks Jia Fui for these songs!
i guess having a big brother is not SO bad at all! X3


i bite you~ :3

im born cute~

so sweet~got this from tumblr.
Girl: I have a personal question for you.
Boy: Shoot.
Girl: Are you talking to any girls?
Boy: No. Why?
Girl: Well there’s this girl who likes you.
Boy: Who?
Girl: She’s in our class.
Boy: Does her name start with a T and end with gorgeous?
Girl: (smiles cause her name starts with a T)

I'm gonna stay till midnight for new years!
and it's daddy's birthday too. :P


gotta go now,baiss

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