Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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and school holiday starts. . .NOW!!! WOOOOHOOOOO~~~ xD
Monday, January 31, 2011 | 0 comments
yesh! finally! 13days holiday,so happy arh me~ but 9th & 1oth have to go Sibu... 2days no online feels like 2YEARS NO ONLINE EH!! :'( facebook is goin to shut down soon. . .haixx ;( facebook is so boring. . .yet addictive XD! btw,CNY is coming! SOOOO EXCITED! but...im not in Brunei ;(

no Brunei money liaw... *sniff* btw i got sooo many maths h/w! i have to do it NOW! XO if dono,then ask from daddy or my caaarl! xD oso have to do sej workbook pg.18. . .i write it here coz i takut i forget. if i lupa,i go check my blog then i know loo~ see i so smart ;; HAHAH APAAN! xD anw,here's some pictures or me n my frens at Parkson. WUUU~ :P

*Pictures :3*
they're taking pictures while im at the corner looking innocent~ xD

look so gangster jua my daughter HAHAH XD!♥

she don't look natural at all! xO

I'm the girl wearing Bruin T-shirt! :D
i tie my hair :3♥

WALAOO! two leng lui eh~ X3♥

Chun Yun. he's my marching commander.
he's funny! :)) n one of my friends likes him *coughs2* xD

smiiiile~ x)


aku spoiler~ MUAHAHAHA >:)

my daughters~ xD

anyways,im doing my h/w now. . .maths h/w ofcourse lar~ :/kinda hard eh,but i'll use calculator lar~ xD i dont feel like doing my maths homework i so malas waa ;/ btw LOOK AT THESE PICTURES!!! SO ADORABLE! X3

isn't she adorable? =3♥ i wish she's my daughter! HAHAHA X3

im so bored now. . .
i think i'll go do my maths h/w,

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