Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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dear diary. . aku butuh kau di sisiku. ♥C
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 | 0 comments
I GOT AN "A" FOR GEO AAAAND. . .my picture is on the newspaper!! AAAAAAAAAHH!!!
well,i'll always be in the newspaper when i got sing ooor join something important so,yeah HAHAH xDD

aanyways,IM SO TIRED! coz of the orientation dance. . .we rehears for 1o days liaw but most of them still dono n we have ONLY 2 more days till sports day! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING! >o<" today we got KH and Maths test. erm..not so hard lar for maths but KH VERY HARD! x.x

btw,watch these vids! =D

he sure got a baaaad bromance XD AHAHAAHHA

pimple cream HAHAHAHA xD

tomoro wear bruin t-shirt to school YEAY! but saaaad coz i have to march around the school :( we so kelian x( i hate it when my mom nags like a. . .#@$%^*! GRRRR :@ watching The Parent Trap now. SO NICE N FUNNY AHAHAHA (Y) im gonna go take a shower now. . .then pack my bag and go to bed :P sooo. . . nights~ :3

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