Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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first the day of hell. :)
Monday, January 3, 2011 | 0 comments
just got back from the end of the world AND I'M ALIVE~!!! XD! and when i got back,my parents and like so embarrassing! MY GOD! i wonder why they think they're always right. if wrong,scold me for no reason. what the hell man! -.-" want to watch tv from 5 until 10 something meh? me leh? i takw the broadband then scold me like hell,i told u that i'll study hard coz i got study the first three months for form1 bah.. ish...

okay,im relax~ FWOOOOO~~~~ >.<"
~She's my latin girl,Ooo, pretty lady Don't you think it's crazy,She's my latin girl,Ooh, she tries to fight it But she knows she likes it~ i kinda like this song,it's from Justin Bieber. ><><><>w

i feel like my throat got abit pain pain. uh-oh..no sore-throat PLEASE don't be sore-throat.. very painful later..='( drink my water now AAAAAAAHH~~~ ToT *GULP GULP GULP!!* aah~ much better~ X3 NOW ZAI ZUANG SHUI...AGAIN!!! ><' my throat feel a little bit painful now.. ;s how leh? i cham lurr x.x painful arh! then have to nag by my mom again. you know when she nag very annoying one mah? nag dao my head want to explode liaw lar! X(

internet so effing slow now.. -___-" bored ah,tomorrow sure got many homeworks n classworks make me cannot go online.. haixx..but my parents said bring the broadband back to Brunei.. AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! :@

gtg now,baisss xoxo

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