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22th January2o11 is the worst day ever! ;(
Friday, January 21, 2011 | 0 comments
Insonmia-Craig David

i like this song,old song one.. but still nice^^ i forgot about this song till Jia Fui sent me this song on msn LOL :P

just at school ah..WALAOO EHH that girl call Lim Jin Yee blame me orh~ WAKAOO wait i malas to say now so i show u what i wrote lah ^^P

IM SO PISSED OFF EH! blame lanny lah! #@!$%^*& GRRRRR >:@ im calming down now. PHEW~ MY GOODNESS LANNY! URGH!!! first,u told Brandon that i love him n now THIS! nvm,forgive n forget :(

i got maths h/w again.. ARGHH worst day ever! i even cried at school.. i hate myself.. i shouldn't had help her. :( im not gonna do drama with her anymore. i'll do with Lanny. i rather do with her than doing it with Jin yee.. *SIGHH* i miss Brunei i miss ccms I MISS MY BOY! X'( i haven't buy anything to him yet. URGH!!! IM DEAD IM DEAD IM DEEEEAD!!! >.<"

she ACTUALLY apologized! o.o" my goodness,waste my hands to type
Lanny this Lanny that! I SO PAI SE NOW~ >.<

*family photo* xD
i act cute! WAKAKA,i look so ugly but i love it xD


alright then,
i gtg now

byeee xoxo

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