Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

oh nana,what's my name?♥
Monday, January 24, 2011 | 0 comments
just got back from school
aaaaaaaand. . .

this morn,the van broke down near the "turn right side" to Jalan Riam.
then she was like "OH SHIT!" AHAHA then Yi Lei's brother and Wisley kept laughing at her. And Yi Lei's bro kena gantung by the school. His mom told the aunty who pick us up to school AND from school somewhere around. . .1pm. aunty told me just now then i was like "O.O then where he study now?" then aunty said "No study lo" :O

aiyoo who ask him,say bad stuff about people.. 'cause the CEO ever said ->"
如果有人说你不好的东西用他的嘴,向我报告Mr.Rihcard我们会他出这所学校。" in the assembly then i was like "WALAOO EH,SO STRICK! x.x" but it's not that i hate this school lar.. just that. . .IT'S TOO STRICK! i mean SERIOUSLY! they're nuts! >.<

btw,TODAY NO MATHS HOMEWORK! YEAY~!! xD coz we dance practice today until lunch break. happy happy me~ MWEEHEHEE! X3 and Jeremy is kinda weird sometimes. ;/ well,not weird lar just..he said "You like the song River Flows In You right?" then i said "Yeah.. err. . .how u know? ;O" then he said "I know you well~ B)" then i was "pft,riiight~ B)" he's mean sometimes.. haixx what to do? ;s aaaaanyways,


remember i told u that i bought the book call "How To Be Popular" right? IT'S SO DAMN NICE! I LOVE IT!!!♥♥♥ I got my consolation trophy just now. IT'S SO SMALL! X( but still...
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ME,MYSELF AND I FOR THIS TROPHY~ ^w^ OHH! AND THANK YOU for my mom for giving birth to me and my dad by doin the "thing" with my mom~ now take a picture! AHAHAHAHA XD!

i got soooo many things so say now! but i malas liaw soooo

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