Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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worst 13-14 hours ever!
Monday, May 30, 2011 | 0 comments

I feel so horrible! terrible! uncomfortable!
I feel so horriterriuncomfortablely awful! T^T

here's my story. :/
yesterday around 5p.m. i ate my dinner then i went online and suddenly i fell like throwing up and i did. i vomit my whole dinner out! then my mom went to clean it. (it happened at the living room) then i went to my room. and few minutes later, i fell like i was gonna throw up. then i faster ran to the toilet and it was too late. i ran to my parents' room's toilet and i threw some of the pizza out. i can't stop throwing up so my mom brought me to Columbia hospital. the doctor said i should get an injection then i was like "WHAAAAT?!! :O" then the doctor and the nurse laughed at me. ^^" then the doctor said OR i could put a medicine into my ass. i thought it was painful but its not. == it felt like period moment all over again. :O then when i got back, i threw up again. then i wondered "i thought im not gonna throw up anymore..?" :s then at somewhere around 11p.m, i shitted and it was all watery. and my stomach starts to hurt ALOT! then around 7a.m. today, my popo brought me and my mom to the hospital and in the car i was shouting like what as if i was about to give birth or something. then when we got there, the doctor said i should get an injection coz it's getting worse and worse. and the injection was on my ass. ofcourse i scared painful lah! the nurse was like "relax! u dont relax more painful again" then i was like "XO fine!" then when the nurse injected me ass, i fell asleep. o.o then 7.45a.m or somewhere around that time, the nurse give me medicine to eat. after that i thought i can go home but noooooo, i have to stay until 8a.m. then the doctor ask me if im better or not then i said yeah. then i can go home. i asked my mom why i vomit then stomach ache? then she said coz i ate the pizza or the chicken wings got fly lay eggs already. well, i don't blame Steph coz she baik hati bring me to have lunch waa and when i got home, i was asleep until 12p.m. then i saw my dad then i was like "WHOAA! scare me ah! T^T" i cant really walk coz of the injection but now im okayy. MUCH MUCH better than before. ^^

that's all, it was a total nightmare! now i got abit sore throat but its okay, i got it all the time. :b

ktnxbai. (; 

p.s i made this picture coz I love them and I was bored. byeee. :b

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