Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

randomness~ :O
Saturday, June 18, 2011 | 0 comments
OHHSHIT! I FOUND LADY GAGA'S TWIN SISTER! :O nahh, im just kidding thats not her twin but kinda looks like her though.


nigahiga got new channel liaw~

btw, imlovingthissong! Alston and other people use this song to dance. 

now put your hands in the air, 
shake your badeyhh down slow ~ :b

anw, i went to the PARENT! MEETING! SEEEEESSION! :O i hate those words. == the 'PARENT! MEETING! SEEEEEESSION!' barap-pap-pap-paaaap~ my cousin is outside the gate. LOLOLOL my mom just called me random. :O awesome~ B) ish, org sasat! cool, i have a mixture of emotions~ :P hmmm, is my blog boring? :/ i feel like its so effing boring. :O ish, Monday gonna sing. == i takut me n tasha kena bomb bahh. HAHAH, bombastic. xD anw, i scared waa. later it'll be so embarrassing! must practice! AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!


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