Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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17/7/2o11 ♥
Sunday, July 17, 2011 | 0 comments
i haven't finish my maths homework yet and i even got the guts to go online. HAHAH, hopefully i can finish it by tomorrow before maths lesson or else my kepala kena pancong from menike. -.- anw, playing pet society again. :33 what? dont judge me. its fun, plus it makes my stress fuck away. (; sigh* hope that Alston will talk to me like normal again. and no, i dont have feelings for him anymore. like love love one. so, stop calling me Alston bitches! you know who you guys are! oh yeahh, tadi my mom call ask me n daddy to go some shop to look for furnitures. but the thing is that i dont even fucking know how big is my living room! we're gonna move to KB once im back to Brunei soyehh. besides, if she wants to go then why cant she go herself leh? who ask her, go back brunei didnt think of transport to come miri. tsktsk~ nevermind that. aku lapar. :| when can i eat ohh? im starving here! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! D: i almost forgot, listen to this song. it's nice! well for me, i dont know about you but i hope u like it too. (;

P.S. Tasha Tan Yue, why the fuck u accused me hacking ur acc? i got other better things to do ok? just because we're not friends anymore, doesnt mean i wanna get revenge on you or whatever shit, dont believe me then have it your way. but im not that kind of girl who will do stupid things like hacking accounts. oh please missy, i dont even know how to hack an account and u didnt even give me ur password remeber? soyehh, watch your mouth before accusing me or i swear i'll make your life miserable. screw you bitch! .|.


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