Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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Friday, July 29, 2011 | 0 comments
afternoon peoples! :3

imma show a video from our school concert. this is the dance that i love the most! ITWASFREAKINGAWESOME! :bb enjoy~


moving on. HAHAH! xDD our KH teacher is leaving on September. even though im not that close with her but i'll miss her of course. like i miss mr.yong. that xiao yang! so fast leave and leave US with mr vege. even it sounds cute bt he aint cute. trust me. T.T

to be honest, today in this week lah. is the only school day i feel so happy. why? i dont know. HAHAH! :b but im not happy about Esther being sick. get well soon. :) but i had fun with Aaron, Brandon and Jong. they're awesome but horny. == but i still love them anyways. :D the most horny one is Brandon. or as i love to call him 'horny priest'. why i call him that u ask? cause he wants to be a priest but he keep saying hiao hiao stuff. tsk tsk tskkk~ just now at school my leg so painful until i have to walk like org cacat. T.T now i feel much better lar but at school just now some people kept asking me 'what happen?!' or 'you fall down ha? u ok mah?' or 'GOOD FOR YOU!' mean ass! >:( im not really looking forward for next wed pom pom practice. but must get used to it lor. cannot complain. my leg pain pain normal one. i guess.

oh well, i gtg now.

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