Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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Now its too late for you and your white horse to come around.
Thursday, July 28, 2011 | 0 comments
hey peeps. :3

yesterday pompom run 5rounds after that Ivy jiejie thought us new dance. its kinda fast at first but i got used to it soyehh~ :) but the thing is that my right leg freaking hurts right now! T.T not just me, Audrey and Esther also. but the weird this is that Steph doesn't feel the pain. maybe she got used to it from the brass band. oh wells, today our sej teacher gave us back our test paper and guess what, i got 45! :D stewpeed. -.- the other day me and Esther went to computer lab to look for our teacher and i heard this song that i used to love alot!

she got a new song listen to it. its sad, she's crying while singing. make me want to cry oso. :'>

the haters are so pelik bahh.. all they know is  criticizing other people. for example, Amy Winehouse. yeah, she passed away cause she took drugs but who are YOU  to judge her? can't she die in peace?? anw, R.I.P Amy Winehouse. sorry oh, i only know you the day after you passed away soyehh. ugh ITS LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON ALL OVER AGAIN! its like they're popular when they're alive but when they're gone, they've become MORE POPULAR than before! @@ ugh, i dont understand people today. u just have to live with it soyeh. :D today i dont go tuition. i feel so happy. ^^ since its Eng today then i have nothing to worry about. :3 omg, my leg still painfullllll T.T i gtg now, nightsss.


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