Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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05/08/2011 :)
Friday, August 5, 2011 | 0 comments
B-e-a-utiful - Megan Nicole

so nice this song~ go listen go listen. this song was introduced by one of my friends, Esther. :D

anw, hellew peoples! :B
today i went back from school before break cos i wanna ponteng. jk, i gtg to JPN. aiya, u think i so bad mea? go ponteng school. i very guaii one okay? (A)


that's so sad. D; sooo, well, so many things happen this week. i dont really knw where to start.. well, for starters, me and Tasha are friends again. we havent talk for 1months and 2days so i decided to write a 'sorry card' her. well, since its kinda my fault too. cos i ignored her first. well, at least we're friends now. :) like my mom says
"Forgive and forget. NOT revenge and regret."

hmmm.. oh yeah, the pom pom dance the very last part Ivy didnt teach us. me, Audrey, Esther and two other girls way at the back were just standing there. we look like fools. T.T well, u cant blame us lar cos the dance is on the sports day one and Karen didnt teach us until there but she got teach us front few once. thanks to her, i can fit in for few seconds. HAHAH wtf? xD my mom told me my aunt from Canada bought clothes for me too. the package thingi is still at my Brunei house. i cant wait for it! hope it suits my taste. HEHEE x)

there's two poems that Priscilla wrote. read it, i guarantee you wont regret it! ;D

A Waiting Dog
A Dog sits in the cold Sun,
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run,
He's been there for days now with nothing to do.
But still by the road waiting for you.
He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you were stopping to play.
He's sure you'll come back and thats why he stayed.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?
He's leg have grown weak. His throat has gone dry.
He's sick from hunger and fall with a sigh.
He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

sad right? D: my computer teacher oso got tell me and Esther about her doggies. its kinda sad too.. well, im gonna change the subject cos if i dont, i'll cry. :D

#1 - I close my ears and eyes when I don't listen. If I never reply, even a "mhmm" still means I listened. If I nadai say "mhmm" or "okay" means I didnt hear you. And I don't want to. :D

#2 - I stare blankly at you when my brain isn't concentrating/dont understand your language.

This always happens when I talk to Qiqi. She talks so soft and rough until my math teacher could barely hear what she's saying. And there's one time when one of my friends told me who she likes, I was looking straight and thinking about joining pom pom until she punched me. T.T so i promised to myself I won't ignore what she's saying ever again. :3

#3 - I still watch Dibo The Gift Dragon.

Whuat? It's cute when Dibo dance. and the song! Dibo dibo ding~ (8) HAHAHAHA! 

#4 - I dislike bitches when they causes trouble.

Like before RRSS Day, Jaclyn cried cos she thinks shes in charge of everything and started to say all those shizz and cry like a seal. no, worse that a seal! until i shouted at her she baru diam. i was really pissed at her that time. she even dare to say she will report to Mr.Richard cos Jeriel made her cry. bitch what he did that time was right bah. why cant u just accept the fact? geez. she even tell me and Tasha that we talked each other bad stuff behind our backs. and when we're frens alr she started saying 'aww, u guys are friends again~' we're not guys. you are. -.- just look at that!
as much as i wanna forgive her. i just cant. believe me, ive tried. :)

i dislike people who are prettier than me but their attitudes are like shit. (;

#5 - I have cute finger nails!

I think I have cute finger nails cos they are short. TEEHE3 x)

#6 - I always lose my stuff.

for example, my phone. that time i left my phone to silent mode and i lost it and i kept calling my phone number. but no sound. i started to fucking panic! i dont dare to tell my parents. takut they bomb me. so i say i left it at one of my friend's house. and that night when i go sleep. i put my head on my pillow mah. then when i turn turn, i can hear some clicking sounds. so i go check inside my pillow cos i curious mah then yes, my phone was inside my pillow case. why? i dont know, i dont remember. ==

#7 - I'm scared of studying.

seriously, i am. whenever exams coming, i have to study until i become like a zombie. :| in the end, i failed most of the subject cos even if i study until want to mati liaw still no use cos im not interested is the subjects. some of them lar.

#8 - I cry my heart out and after 3 seconds, I can clean up my own mess and smile.

Yes I can. But if it's really too depressing like when my cousin passed away, after another 3 seconds later, I'll started to cry again. But worse. Like her.. :b

#9 - the word that I love to say - 'meignorehaters' / 'I dont give a fuck about you, bitches. (;'

I only say that to the people I dislike. :3

#10 - I love my mylife, my friends, my family, my readers and God. 

Yes I do. I really do. But if u only read my blog cos you wanna make fun of my life, then screw you bitches. .|.

till the next time.
God bless. :)

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