Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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skipped tuition. :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 | 0 comments
skipped tuition today cos 1st of, i followed Audrey's car back and her mom is SUPERFUCKINGHAWTTOTHEMAX! 2nd, when i got back, i was so damn late. 3rd, i was very tired and sweaty and last but not least, today got pom pom mah and now i forgot the steps. -o- 

*sigh, i seriously hate my life now.. i got no friends, i always feel very extremely lonely even though i got Tasha and Esther and Lily but still, the others, im not sure if i am their friends.. esp Priscilla, Audrey, Stephanie? wow all girls.. mmg Aida dislike/hate me, i think Priscilla dislike me too. aiya whatever lah. i dont give a fuck but now im in miri. i be nice, not gonna work. i be mean, aiya epic fucking fail. then what should i do? oh i know, just sit in the corner and just stare at what they always do! - insult people and think they're awesome. pffffft. i miss brunei. i wish none of this happen. even got good times, so what? they dont give a damn about me so why should i? mirians and always mirians. pft, what was i thinking? even though you get offended now, but do u know how many times i got offended by u people?  no? of course not. i never have a friend who understands me 100%. all they care about is themselves, try as hard to be fucking awesome. sometimes i feel like im not worth living in this world or show my face to the whole world. i rather stay at home. sleep all day until i die. im useless, im worthless, i'll always be invisible. :) maybe my friends will be like 'you think your life is bad meh? MINE MORE WORSE AH!' if so, prove it. you guys are always happy and all those while i always emo and try my fucking best to fit in. but failed.. anw, tomoro got school. URRGGHHHHHHH. -.- gtg sleep now. nights. :)

‎NEVER believe in 3 people : Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces. They are the most selfish and mean.

NEVER lose 3 people : Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn. They are the most sincere and true lovers.

NEVER leave 3 people : Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. They can keep secrets, friendship, and they can see your tears.

NEVER reject 3 people : Leo, Gemini, Aquarius .They are true, honest friends. :)

Never believe me. ;)

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