Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

I was right. He really does love me! .. Does he?
Saturday, September 17, 2011 | 0 comments
made a new account yaww! come find me~ :P found a new song!

i kinda like it. it's addicting. :D Chris Brown sho hawt to the maxx! 

 tuition was fun today. i can't stop laughing and when i hold it in, my body starts shaking. -.- but very sien ehh.. 3 whole days at home. bu men si wo cai guai! == now Mr.Yong dont talk to us anymore. not even Audrey! :O ohwells. i bought a present for Tasha. 5more days till her birthday. hopefully i'll remember to bring her present to school or im screw. i was thinking since it's her birthday, why dont she go to pizzahut celebrate since its free. when its your birthday of course. sun bian invite me. BWAHAHA not gonna happen. i know. sob* iono what to write now. imma go do my homeworks before my mom starts to nag. kbye. God bless. :) xx

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