Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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; last day of holiday. D;
Sunday, September 4, 2011 | 0 comments
hellew peoples. :)

tomoro school ler. sien ehh! D: i really hate it when i have to open the gate lock after school! xD also, i really dont wanna see someone in my class. feel like stabbing her sometimes. she's so rude and mean! to me. to tasha leh, so kind oh. everyday with her.. ish. -.- mihir waa budak tu. pancong pala mu bru ko tau. and she's such a hipocrite! say my friend cannot be trust. she also. soyeah, whats the difference my dear?

Skip :)
today i saw Brandon Tan at church. he really look like ucak! :O did i mention that his mom is hawt? then i went to parkson and i saw Jong. well he saw me first. i think he got taller. then i saw Jia Ying at popular. but i didnt see my Brunei friends. :( but i did bought a new stereo headset. am lovin itand its blue too. :3 well my dad let cos they got a 'mega sell' so it only cost RM25. cheap kan? and i saw lots of mp3 players so cheap lgi! i wanna buy lehh. D: but then my mom say my aunt got buy one for me few years ago. ._. and she say i have to study hard so i can have it. ARGHHHH no fair! :( but whatever lo. try my best lo. average 70 maybe can ehh. but bu ke neng one lah. my average 58.++ niaa. almost got last ehh. sienn. -.- ohwells. i shall force Tasha to teach me whether she likes it or not! HAHA

i gtg now. kbye.
God bless. :) xx

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