Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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nadai title. :D
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | 0 comments
hellew~ :) today uncle who brought me to tuition one forgot to bring me to tuition so i nadai go lor. but its kinda a good thing though cos i get to watch the movie Peter Pan II on disney channel! HAHA:D and Esther, I KNOW THE SONG 'From The Inside Out'! i didnt know the name of the song until i saw your blog so yeah. xD AM LOVING THAT SONG WHEN I WAS LITTLE!

Skip. :)
 there's a new student in our class. he's a dude. his name is Pierce. seriously that name reminds me of Percy Jackson! he's.. okay. he's 2yrs older than me soyeah, he's a mouse. HE'S FUN TO BE AROUND WITH! although he let me smell his shoes, called me short AND he sit on me. o.o but i know he's just playing so yeah i dont mind. BUT SOMEBODY have to spread rumors saying that i like him and wanted to steal him away from Jaclyn, my bitch. but even if Jaclyn likes him oso no chance one lah. he doesnt trust her. to bad, so sad~ pffffft, like i care. x) i haven't done my maths axis yet. i was thinking about doing it like.. now? well, i'll do it ASAP soyeahh. :) i was thinking about making a video for my youtube account. and i wanna sing the song Jet Lag from Simple Plan with my bestie, Tasha. but iono when we're gonna do it and where we're gonna do it. of course we're not gonna just sit there and look at the paper with the lyrics. we're gonna like make it as random as possible! but now say also no use. cos i dont even think we have time.. :| tomorrow got pompom. i almost forgot! sigh* i dont feel like going but i feel like going.. does that make any sense? no? okay good. :D well, i have to go now but before i go, i wanna introduce this song to those Christian people. maybe some of you know, some of you dont know.

I chose this one cos the music video is so awesome! i love the nature views.for some reasons, it makes me feel very happy. hahah, iono why. :) this song reminds me of my cousin Joy who passed away this year. she's my cutest cousin ever! SHES SO CUTE I COULD DIE!! x) anw, it reminds me of her cos when there's a special public holiday thingi like Christmas, CNY or Chap Goh Meh, me and my dad will go to her house a.k.a my popo's house. me, Joy, Abel and Nathan were like playing around and we're like sakai their cat. HAHA! i miss that moment. i miss that moment.. sometimes i wish Joy never pass away. me movin to Miri is just a dream and most importantly, i wish i wasnt adopted. maybe God had decide this path for me. soyeah, am not gonna cry. there's just sand in my eyes! HAHA THE MUSIC VIDEO REMINDS ME OF BROTHER BEAR BTW! x)

i guess i'll be going now before this post leads to nowhere. God bless everyone. :) xx

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