Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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"You can hide behind your stories but don't take me for a fool."
Thursday, October 6, 2011 | 0 comments
thats right bitches. am single. and am lovin it! i dont even know why must i cry myself to sleep every night all because of him. stupid right? pfffffffffft. lesson learnt : never love a hawt bitch that doesnt love you back but just only play you like a fool. (;

today was alright. i felt kinda left out when Tasha and Esther were like talking and like so close again. but nvm lah. not gonna be emo cos of that shit. cos i know Tasha will forever be mine! (; Aaron is so adorable! when i say random hai's to him, he'll smile and wave back randomly too! :D that awesome thing! i just love him! oh yeah, tomoro 9am got practice for the 2012 sports day. i join 100m run, long jump and marching. so many right? HAHA i actually wanna join marching nia cos can ponteng class ma but i think if i join 100m also, i can ponteng almost the whole day ehh! aint that awesomeee?! and no, we havent found out who stole the money yet. and that person havent confess to teacher. that bitch sure got no balls one. ish, cos of that bitch our class got bad name and kena scold by many teachers. scold the whole class orh. ishh! @#*&^$%! if i know whos that bitch, i'll slap that bitch as hard as i can! :@ chilling* k i gtg now. so late liaww. byeee. nights all. God bless. :) xx

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