Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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9thNovember2o11 ♥
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 | 0 comments
TODAY. WAS. EPIC. today is the day i will never forget! for now. :DD Gawd, i miss my Mr.Him already! ngaidii internet lag like heck now! -.- today pom pom practice abit boring cos we're dancing the steps over and over again. the more i did that, the more i danced wrongly. :| ohwells. this Sat got pom pom performance and im scared i got stage fright like what happened when i was in pri5.. CHAGE SUBJECT! again, im happy today. like extremely happy for some reasons. :)) and tomoro got school and we have to wear proper school uniform. why? cos we have to go hall or wherever to watch the peoples cut the ribbon thats what i heard JUST to make it show that the peoples allow our school to make new classrooms at the back of the school. i heard they're gonna make a I class! :O nyehh.. gtg sleep now. nights~ God bless. :) xx

P.S This song can make me dance just by thinking about it! PRO ~ XD !

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