Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

; I never thought I’d risk the chance of getting hurt again, but for some reason when I’m with you, it all seems worth it.
Friday, November 18, 2011 | 0 comments
Dear Mr.Him,
how are you today? good ma? happy? you know, today is the last day of school already.. guess what? i cried the whole night last night cos of today. damn, im gonna miss you. i dont even think i can see you anymore. 1month feels like 1decade for me you know? i really miss you even though you dont miss me. at all . :/ but sometimes i wish you'll be thinking about me too though.. but thats never gonna happen. soyeah, i'll just act like nothing happened infront of you and just smile like you always wanted me to. :)
I love you rabbit!
well, heres my final answer. NO. i CANT forget about you. ;)

from your crush. xoxo

Skip. :)
OMG ITS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! WOOOOOOO!!! ARENT YOU HAPPY RIGHT NOW?!?!?!! WHY ARENT YOU HYPER LIKE MOI??!!?!?!?!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUUUUS??!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! \m/ anw, today got cheerleading practice also and it was fun! i fell asleep at dancing room. and when i was alseep, i can feel peoples kicking me back and forth back and forth. make me cannot sleep ahh! D: then when i woke up, Ivy jiejie suddenly pat my head then i cannot sleep liaw so i just lie down lo~ today at school we didnt even do anything! when i say hi to Larry and poked him, Elliza they all looked like they wanna stab me. why? jelly? get a life lah! dont hang around mine, i'll just make you guys have high blood pressure. but if u dont wanna listen, suit yourself. you so pelik! :P LALALALA~ so, me and Esther also got go find Mark and Joanna. :3 I saw Mark half naked. aduuuuh im almost blind ah! and me no gusta -_________- eeebahhh, my bruise havent hilang yet! i feel fugly now. D; nooooooooooooooos! OMG heyy its raining now! i feel more cold ehh :/ hais. so anw, Monday got performance and weekends no practice also. so have to learn myself liaw lo.. gonna go do it right now. byeee. nights. God bless. :) xx

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