Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

; The worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know you can never have them.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 0 comments
Dear Mr.Him,
i still can't forget about you. and come to think of it, i dont want to. :) 


we're just like this toilet paper. but only
this time, im not yours. C is. :(

from your stupid crush. xoxo
Skip. :)
today got the prize giving ceremony. Tasha sot sot de! she kept saying 'IM SO BORED!!' then she kept throwing a book thingi and pick it up THEN throw mine and pick it up again. GIK! she shuang lor, tomorrow go KL. GO UNIVERSAL STUDIO AGAIN! i bu shuang liaw o Tasha Tan! SMACK YOUR BOOBS WHEN I GET TO SEE YOU! LALALALA~ today Esther no go. she go Brunei. BRUNEI~ am abit jealous.. so anw, today i got pom pom and Ivy jiejie thought us new dance! cos of that my legs oceh liaw. i keep rubbing it. but it hurts too much liaw. hais. T__________T it was hard. i kinda forgot the dance steps already. :X i wonder if Audrey or Stephanie remember. Saturday no performance. but i still cant go to the party @ parkson.. i really wanna go ehh! D: EEEEEEEEEBAHH I WANNA GO I WANNA GO!!! tak best lar. if i dont go. sure got ppl miss me one. HAHA! mcm bnr tok! xDD but still, i wanna go.. :(

Random shizz :)
do you ever have this feeling? i got it most of the times. ugh.
screw me.
sometimes i just wish they'll stop doing that! you know im a very sensitive person. soyeah, why dafuq must you do that to me?-.- jealous? envy? bu shuang? or 3 in 1? GO DIE LA YOU DOG! .|. how bout this?
i remember when i was in my Brunei school, most of my sub teachers' ass always face me whenever they were teaching the ppl beside me. i was like "DAFUQ?? NOOOOOOOOS" then if i sit with Egan again, he'll be like "woo~ sexayy! *pedo face*" HAHAHA! #goodtimes :')

i go sleep now. nights world. God bless. :) xx

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