Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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13thNovember2011 :DD
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | 0 comments
well, today start off with an awful morning! i didnt go to tuition today. why? cos my face kembang like hell and it hurts very bad. :/ i felt like crying that time.. here's how i look like now :((
see any difference? im sure you did :)
i look horrible! :'( my forehead got lines, my face are so red mcm i use makeup or something.. :( but at least my face is much better now after mami give me a green pad thingi and put it on my face. thankyou mami :3 really wish my face will go back to normal soon.. hmmmm i hate allergy season ;(

so anw, Fernandez, a guy that used to go same tuition with me when got school lah. we same class and he came to tuition yesterday! i was sorta shocked but kinda happy cos im not the only one in that class who goes there tuition anymore :DD theres 2girls who sit at the back are really pain in my ass. -.- she kept saying jokes are not even funny and her best friend laugh until like almost kena heart attack and die or something! ugh. really wish they could stfu sometimes yknow? but i must be patient with them. sooner or later they'll go to holidays and i wont hear their so-called jokes anymore :) HAHA! i sound so mean xDD okayy, my afternoon was awesome and i camwhored too! :DD


i gtg go sleep now. got tuition tomorrow. nights world. God bless. :) xx

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