Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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All I want for Christmas is you~ :3
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 | 0 comments
so sweet :') *hold back the tears HAHA! xDD

today at tuition was so funny! seems like everyone become friends liaw. no more antisocial anymore. :DD but i kinda miss tuition with Apple. :( she's my tuition teacher too. she teaches me at 7-9pm night time one la. maybe next yr i'll be in her class. who knows? :B

so i made a new friend. well, we became friends long time alr. but we became kinda close so i guess we're officially friends now. i guess. :DD his name is STEVEN JON STEVEN JON STEVEN JON~ :3 he's a very good friend. he's always there for me when im down. plus, he's a very good counselor too! xD im serious. HAHAHA! i hope i get to see him at school next yr. hais. too bad lo. he next yr graduate ;( cannot poke him lerr. he sure no go RIT next yr one. HAIS HAIS HAIS! x( but its okay. next yr i'll poke him to my heart's content! MWEHEHEHEEE :3 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED STEVEN JONN! xDD

one thing about my life is that i am lucky to make new friends. but i will lose my old friends too.. cos they became popular and all. bitch please, just because you're popular now doesnt mean you can just leave your old friends and act like you dont even know them. -.- you said you won't be like Shar. you said even though you're 'popular' now, we'll still be friends. you kept your words. but in the end you didnt. :) i only exist in your life when you need me to help you do your dirty work. but when you dont need me, you'll just treat me like a piece of shit and act like both of us dont even know each other. all i can say is wtf? seriously? ok lah. if u wanna be like that i oso cannot change the horrible truth. i just have to smile all the way :)

so my parents are going back to Brunei tomorrow. and Bridgid will come to my house teach me math. and tomorrow no tuition at tuition centre there. Wuuuu~ \m/ happy me x) k i shall go watch tv now. night nights world. God bless. :) xx

P.S J Lo's new song! i loike yaww!

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