Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

Cool story bro. Wanna hear mine? It's a fairytale - Once upon a time, I don't give a damn. The end.
Saturday, December 3, 2011 | 0 comments
cant see my eyes! :O dont like it? cool. i dont wake up everyday
 just to impress you. ;) x

this morning i was like 'OMGEE ITS 3rd DECEMBER!" then my mom asked whats so special about today o? why i so hyper one? but i also dono why so i ignored her. xD btw, Happy Magic Day everyone! :D bought the rabbit just now at Cosway. HUAHUAHUAHAHAA x) someone told my friend that she thinks i always act cute. i was like seriously? -.- i dont act cute. i AM cute. what? im just telling the truth:) FYI, there are differences between cute and acting cute. Lol, you confuse? Look at the mirror, i ain't judging, you gotta know the fact. you jelly? then ..
obviously, you wont. cos you dont have to guts to tell me. ;) ohwells. at least i don't copy other peoples' swag like you;) all i can say is haters gonna hate. soyeah, and im like FORGET YOUUUUU~ XD! 

anw, TODAY GOT CHRISTMAS PARADE! I WANNA GO! I WANNA GO SO BAD! but cannot. :(( my dad malas go cos he know will got traffic jam and shizz and my mom is @ Permy Mall now. my holiday is do damn boring! happy for few hours only then have to go tuition next week. ugh. very sien arh stay at that place. study 1 subject 1 chapter a day for 4HOURS! aduhhhh.. i die of boredom got lah. T_________T i rather stay at home write my story. ohyeah, remember i said i'll make a new blog and put my stories there? well guess what, inspirations havent hit me yet so am not gonna cont. writing it anymore. :P  plus, when i was writing that story the main character is just like me! i mean the love life ofcourse. so i dont wanna write anymore. HEHOOO! Tasha's gonna come back to Miri today! OMGOMGOMG i want her come to my house T__________T my mom said she's gonna invite her mom to come to teach her how to do cupcakes. AWESOME! i feel like learning too! even though i noob at this kind of shizz but practice makes perfect! NGOKNGOKNGOK :PP IM SO EXCITED! I DEFINITELY CAN'T WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS!!! :3 there will be presents and drinking hot chocolate and open presents! too bad our christmas tree rosak and threw away already. :/ if not it'll be like this
I'VE ALWAYS WANTED UNDER MY CHRISTMAS TREE WILL BE LIKE THIS! IT'LL BE SO PRETTY!  D: it kinda looks like Marlene's house here. HAHAHA! xD maybe tomorrow go parkson or boulevard. TEE HEEEEEEEE! kbye. gonna go watch Monte Carlo now. Since im not going to the Christmas Parade. :((  k God bless. :) xx


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