Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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after 2weeks of school : nothing good happen :(
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | 0 comments
well, got something good happened la but everyday sure got something bad happen one. theres one girl, she go tell likjun that she hates me cos i always act cute in front of her. i was like DAFUQ?! when i act cute in front of you? i only act cute in front of the camera or around my friends but i only play play nia. its not like you never act cute before right? you dont just act cute, you even go flirt with those fat fat guys. one word for you : LASAP! but im a good person soyeah, forget you ~ x) and dont forget, the person that i love, love someone else. i was like ... :/ hais very soi ahh you know? feel like jump down from a tall tall building T_____T but one thing good that happened to me is that me n one of my friends and best friends again! as if it was only yesterday someone stole her away from me. :) steal my best friend then go jio me say she loves you more..  if u so pro at stealing my best friends then alang2 u also go steal my crush la.. -.- well i dont care anymore, at least everything was back to normal noww. :3

just now ponteng with LikJun go TC class. so funny! we kept imitating teachers and our friends. we kept laughing theree xD thankyou LikJun for teman me go ponteng :DD i gtg now kbye.


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