Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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new clothes!
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skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
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; Chu 5 x)
Friday, January 27, 2012 | 0 comments
went to Tasha's house today and i had fun xD FINALLY! can people's house bai nian and not rot at home I IS SHO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY x)
omw to Tasha's house :3

I got very bored in the car soyeah :P

daddy driving x)


ze adultss :O

ze peoples x)

JinYee playing River Flows In You

we're outside. LOOK AT JINYEE! sexy eyh :P LikJun so tall ._.

in ze car! we're going to Mdm Cecelia's house bai nian! :D

we were prank calling Steven that time. NYEHEHEH x)

this picture freaks me out. seriously. ><
well in the end we no go Mdm Cecelia's house cos we cannot find her house then in the car me and JinYee sohai there. Tasha was like 'Gonna find Mdm Cecelia's house...' then JinYee goes 'like a lou sai' xDD then i was like 'ohyeah~ B)' and we kept going on and on about the #likealousai HAHAHA! what to do? we're jobless and sick people. \m/ xD and also we prank call Steven! well not exactly prank call la. we're just forcing JinYee to talk to him and suddenly we're like drunk people laughing there. xDD and me, Tasha and JinYee kept singing 'Like a lou sai like a lou sai nanananana now im feeling so fly like a lou sai~' HAHAHAHAHA! i was like lmfao that time xD and we also made a video of us doing this
but EPIC FAIL! HAHAHAHA xD i miss that moment already. :( ALSO! Elim and Grace they all got go Tasha's house but they left before i reach her house.. D: wanna see what they wear! EEEBAH SURE VERY HAWT ONE! :PP

anw, found this on Joel's timeline. OHMYGAWD! RILEY MCDONOUGH THE BLACK VEST ONE IS SO HAWT IM DYING! and this version so nice ehh! esp the last part. he kinda looks like Logan Lerman.. ohmy *melts .great. this song is stuck in my head now.. :o well its much better than Barbie Girl. :P that song stuck in my head for the last 2weeks! ohgawd -.-

i shall go sleep now. gonna rot at home tomorrow. daddymami go back Brunei. again. :( nights world. God bless. :) xx

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