Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
Moi wishlist:)
new clothes!
new phone
my own room
Facebook Badge:)
skin by : Tyra Lexcys 
other : 

11th July 2012 :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | 0 comments
Why yes, I bought a new phone :D samsung corby II. I know, it's kinda old fashion already but I don't have enough money to buy samsung galaxy mini, soyeah >.<

so anw, concert is over :( now I have to focus on my studies lor. some more, periodic test 2 is next week ah. I'm doomed! T-T My mom said that my average have to be 60+ or else... well, she didn't tell me what will happen but I don't wanna get 50+ for my average again, soyeah. MUST. STUDY HARD. I need to focus more on my weaker subjects too. Especially science, sejarah, geografi... anyone can baik hati gimme tuition? you won't regret it~ Lolol :D

ohyeah, our school food fair is goin to be on 21st July, which is next Saturday. I'm not sure what my class is going to sell on that day but I bet there will be lots of drinks! :O one of me friend said he's gonna make brownies! YEAY! I like brownies~ x3 I wonder if got cupcakes or not... wanna buy eh! ^^ btw, anyone wanna buy the food fair coupon? I got 2. Inbox me on fb or twitter if you wanna buy. I'm selling it for RM20 each :)

btw, I'm loving this song! :D

hmmm.. so I guess that's all. Till the next time, bye. God bless :) xx

P.S. our school principle is still not back yet. I heard that he's sick and have to tahan at hospital :/ can't believe I'm saying this but, I kinda miss him.. so anw, hope you'll get well soon sir. I'll pray for you :)

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