Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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7thJuly2012 ♥
Saturday, July 7, 2012 | 0 comments
hellew again! :D this week is really tiring for me. cos of our school concert rehearsal and performance was on 4th and 5th July. it was really fun! why must it end so fast?! ohgosh, i miss concert already. T-T but too be honest i like last year's concert better than this year. :/ this year's concert is nice also lah. i get to spend time with all my love ones. :3  but alot of outsiders go see and then complain and say nasty stuff about it. please la, you guys are the one who wants to come and watch. soyeah, dont complain. -_-

well, one of the performance that i love is from R.E.D! ohmygosh, its like before the perform, you can hear people clapping their hands and scream like what! during the performance and after the performance also. really pro dao ehh. >. <

watch! you wont regret it. :D

this is our pompom welcoming dance! :D

Unique! :D i like this too, i think its sweet~ :3

ze funny dance! dont the guys look sexy? HAHAHA! xD

the chinese drama ; If I Want, I Surely Can. :D

so anw, my dad bought a makeup kit for me without my permission. and at first idk how to use it. lolol >< but then i tried n i turned out kinda okay i guess. it was fun la lol. :P
thankyou daddy. :3

was playing with the makeup kit. i used the purple eyeshadow. my
face look like i kena punch by someone ehh. >. <'

Pingu! :3  i know i know, i looks so dark now.. thats
what i get for not using sunblock for these past
3weeks.. T-T
well, i guess thats all for now. kbye. God bless. :) xx

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