Teresa. 15. I write about what's going on with my life here in my blog. God is good, all the time. :)x
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27thJuly2012 :/
Friday, July 27, 2012 | 0 comments
This month is not really my month.. but at some point, I still have to smile through the whole month or year, even if I'm not happy. sometimes I just feel like the whole universe hates me and that everything bad that happens are all my fault.. I always get blamed, I always get accused. when will this ever end? I have feelings too you know. Just like you, I'll cry when you scold me. I get hurt when people accused me of thins I didn't do. So what if Science I got the highest in class? So what if I'm the only one who passed? It's only 52, not 92 also. You think I'm satisfied with my marks mea? Even if I passed, it's not good enough also. Just because I passed doesn't mean I cheated. When your Sejarah get 60+ and I get 54 you so happy like what. BUT, you cheated and I didn't even tell teacher and you know why? Cos Idgaf about your life and also because I'm a good person. Well, maybe TOO good already...

so anw, no more food fair le, no more concert, sports day.. Now just have to study study study.. Lazy also have to study what to do? Hais :( But I had fun at food fair. Bought a cute cupcake ^^

It's chocolate!
with cheese :)
but then after food fair, I got sore throat :( and then it stopped but I can't stop coughing until yesterday, I lost my voice.. T-T I feel so sick and somehow, I feel tired too.. hopefully I'll feel better by tomorrow, maybe? :/

Song of the month:

till the next time. bye. God bless :) xx

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